Friday, April 22, 2011

Houston, We Have a Problem

So this morning Joe spent some time trying to figure out a problem with the app his client had just launched. He was having trouble connecting to our computer at home. (a word here about how truly awesome our network setup is at home. Joe can connect to our Mission Control from anywhere in the world really and do his work. This is mostly a blessing, as we can go away for 3 weeks and he can keep up with things and not feel too buried upon our return home. But on the down side, this means he is never 100% disconnected from work) So we realized it was Sunday evening back in Denver & decided to call our fantastic neighbors Dave and Sally to see if they could get into our house to flip the computer off and then back on again. (while Mission Control is a great setup, we've been having some minor glitch lately that requires a reboot. No problem when you are in the kitchen, but a bit of one when you are in Malaysia) We got ahold of Sally via Skype (also an awesome tool), gave instructions on how to acquire our spare key, turn off the alarm and find Joe's office. While she was there she called us b/c the computer wasn't responding when she tried flipping it off and on. After chatting with Joe for a few minutes, they discovered the problem... in my very detailed plan to leave the house as safe and ready for being empty for 3 weeks, one of my tasks was to unplug all unnecessary things like lamps, toasters, coffee pots, etc... yep. You guessed it! The plug that I thought was only attached to 2 table lamps, ACTUALLY powers our phones, cable modem, TV and yes... Mission Control. It lasted for about 4 days on the backup battery then died. Sally plugged it in and voila! Up and running!! Joe was able to fix the problem, the client is happy and the stress is gone. And ALL of it was made possible by our fab neighbors Dave & Sally. (well, I suppose I had a hand in it too :D ) I hope you all are as blessed enough to have some 'Dave & Sallys' of your own. There's nothing better than being on the other side of the planet and knowing that you can call upon your neighbors if needed.

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