Monday, April 25, 2011

Thai Massages

On our first full day in Phuket, Joe mentioned that I should get a massage while Scarlett was napping. OK! No problem following THOSE orders! The hotel's massages occur under a big pagoda next to the pool and start at 300 Baht ($10). Well, because of my sunburn I acquired that day, the lady suggested I get their "after sun care" massage which was 500 Baht, so I did. It felt great! 60 minutes later and having to be awakened twice (I guess I was relaxed), it was over.
Then on Sunday during Scarlett's nap, I walked down the street to a reflexologist for a foot massage. I was really hoping it would be one where they told me about specific ailments I had or dietary needs or something cool like that, but she didn't really say anything except to giggle at me when I jumped from being ticklish. This was 60 minutes and also 300 Baht.
And now, today, on our first day in Chiang Mai, Joe got his first Thai massage. (Also 60 min, 300 Baht) He also enjoyed it, but thought it was a little painful.

1 comment:

Kristie (and sometimes Knute) said...

Um, at that price I would get one EVERY day... maybe twice a day!!!