Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This day was not quite as we had planned...

Saturday, April 16: Day 4
This morning began early for Audrey and I. We both were awake by 5:30, so we sat in the bathroom playing so we wouldn't wake up Scarlett & Joe. I concocted the most brilliant plan for the day while taking a quick shower. I had it all laid out to maximize our last full day in Singapore. This is how it was supposed to go:

-Take showers to wipe of a layer of sweat & dirt from our first day in Singapore. (We were walking around in our lightest summer attire sweating our brains out while the locals wore jeans, long sleeves and I even saw a few jackets! What!?)
-Find breakfast so I wouldn't implode
-Take the train to Orchard Rd & walk up and down the 3 km stretch of the famous shopping district.
-Lunch in Little India
-Back to the hotel for Scarlett's nap. Joe could work for a bit while I went down to the pool to swim laps, then Audrey & I could play in the pool until Scarlett woke up.
- Then Joe could go to the hotel gym to run while I took the girls to the pool.
-Then off to Chinatown to have dinner at this vegetarian restaurant where you just pay what you think the meal is worth.
- Explore Chinatown that evening.
- Go to the Raffles Hotel, which is across the street from our hotel. This is where the drink, the Singapore Sling, originated. We of course would be having one of these!
-Back to the hotel for bedtime.

This is how the day went....

- I took a shower, then Joe got up with Scarlett. She had a fever of 100.1. Then she almost threw up in the toilet (but didn't) and was very lethargic. We gave her tylenol, then Audrey and I headed out to find breakfast and ibuprofen.
- Scarlett perked up & was even running around, so we decided to head to the train for Orchard Rd, only about 2 hours behind schedule.
- We walked about 10 steps on Orchard Rd when it started pouring rain.
- We headed into the underground shopping area where Audrey bought the brightest red lip gloss she could find.
- We had lunch in a hawker center underground where Scarlett became hot & lethargic again. However, the food was great! Audrey and I had a miso/ noodle soup & Joe ate Indian food.
- We headed back to the train (the rain had stopped by now) & planned to go to Little India since Scarlett had napped a bit in the Ergo carrier. While buying tickets, Scarlett complained that her tummy hurt, so Joe raced to the bathroom with her, but she was fine. We decided to go back to the hotel for her to rest instead of sightseeing.
-Joe worked for a bit while the girls napped.
-Cab to Little India for dinner, where the food was good, but not fantastic. I have discovered that I personally do not care for Southern indian food. It's too spicy for me.

The neighborhood, however was like stepping right into India- very saturated in Indian culture. Audrey was exhausted and passed out at the dinner table.

- There was no way we were leaving Singapore without trying a Singapore Sling, so we took the sleepy girls to the bar, er... I mean, Raffles Hotel, and ordered 2 Slings.

While drinking them (very tasty btw) Joe and I were discussing how much we thought they were, as we never saw a menu. I optimistically guessed $9 & Joe guessed $14. As part of their way of maintaining a civilized, orderly society, they tax the heck out of alcohol in Singapore. We saw a 6 pack of beer at 7-11 for 20 S$ & a bottle of wine that would be about $7 in the US for 32 S$. (the exchange rate is roughly 1 US $- 1.2 S$)

And the verdict when the bill came.... 58 S$ for 2 Singapore Slings! Yowzers!!

-Then back to the hotel to sleep. Scarlett fought the fever all day & started to get a runny nose on top of it.

So much for hatching a plan!

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