Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Flights Over were as smooth as glass!

Wednesday & Thursday, April 13-14: Days 1 & 2
The girls did AMAZING on the flights! This was the one part of the trip that I felt we were as prepared as we could be and the rest was in Audrey & Scarlett's hands (who am I kidding? That pretty much describes all of our vacations and really just life in general!). We took off from Denver at 9:30 am on the 2+ hour flight to LAX. Of course before we had even left the ground in Denver, Audrey asked a couple of times if we were there yet and Scarlett did her best wet octopus impression. Most of the 1st flight was like this, which made us a bit nervous for the 18+ hours we still had ahead of us. We had enough time in LAX to get lunch and let the girls walk around a bit before boarding the 11 hour flight to Tokyo, Japan (landing there around 4:00pm local time). The girls settled into the long haul nicely with Scarlett sleeping 1.5 hours and Audrey about 3. About 7 hours into the flight, Audrey said, "We have been on this plane for a really long, long, long, long (repeated quickly for 60+ seconds in an exasperated tone) time! I'm getting really frustrated here!" Occasional walks around the plane helped with this frustration. Flying over Japan was stunning. The cloud cover was heavy, but we could see the mountain ranges peaking above the clouds, which was just lovely. The Narita airport had a nice kid's play area that the girls took advantage of to run off some energy. Then it was onto the final 7 hour leg to Singapore. I was nervous that there would be massive revolt among the little people over getting on 1 more plane, but each time Scarlett exclaimed wildly, "YEA! Nuh hairpane!" (another airplane) They were both exhausted by the time we got on this plane, as it was about 4:00 am for them with little sleep. Audrey's reaction to this madness: "I was on 1 plane for 2 hours. Then another for 11 hours. Then another for 7 hours? I feel almost dead. I feel really weird." By the time we got settled into the flight, it was 7:00pm local time, which set us up well for getting acclimated to the time change. Audrey slept about 4.5 hours & Scarlett about 6, which was awesome. When we landed in Singapore, Scarlett looked a little worse for wear and I asked her, "So are you ready to get on another airplane?" She blinked a few times, looked at me like I was mad, then slowly nodded her head yes. She looked relieved when I said I was just kidding and that we had arrived in Singapore!
So 3 flights and 17,522 miles later, we are safely here!

1 comment:

Jacky said...

Glad to hear things went pretty well on the flight..the rest is gravy... :-)