Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Testing, testing... 1, 2, 3...

Crazy to think we haven't left the country in 3 years! We are at it again starting tomorrow. Off for 19 days to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong. The Stelzers have once again motivated us to travel to Asia as they are now stationed in Penang, Malaysia! Here is our itinerary:

Arrive in Singapore on Thursday April 14 at midnight & stay until Sunday the 17th. We'll spend the time there getting our bodies used to the time change. Oh, which reminds me, everywhere we will be is 14 hours ahead of MST, except Thailand, which is 13 hours ahead of Denver.

Then off to Penang to hang with Tim, Laurel and little Miles until Wednesday the 20th. Tim & Laurel have proven in the past to be amazing hosts! They have been living there since August 2010.

We'll then fly north to southern Thailand to the island of Phuket. We'll spend 5 days (April 20-25) relaxing on the beaches. We'll spend the first 2 days in the Kata Beach area, on the southwestern side of the island. Then we'll hop on a ferry and spend the night on Ko Phi Phi Don (island) which is between Phuket & the Thailand peninsula. We'll then hop back over to Phuket for 2 more nights, but we'll stay on the northwestern side at Kamala Beach (closer to the airport).

From there, on April 25th, we'll head to northern Thailand and spend 4 full days in the city of Chiang Mai. While the southern part of Thailand is known for it's beaches, the northern part is known for it's culture, hills and elephants! Audrey is excited about the elephants, but Scarlett.... well, we'll see when we get there. She keeps looking at me like I'm crazy when I ask if she'd like to ride on one.

On April 28th we head south to Bangkok for just 1 night. Mostly this move is just to get us to the airport in Bangkok which was really the only cheap flight we could get to Hong Kong. I'm hoping we get to Bangkok in time to catch some boxing that evening, but we'll see.

Then bright and early on April 29th, we fly out to Hong Kong where we will spend some time checking out the city by ourselves before we head over to the Sai Kung area, which is where our friends, the Allbrittons, live. Audrey & their daughter Chase went to preschool together last year and their other daughter Madoc is 5 months older than Scarlett. May the squealing commence!
We'll stay with the Allbrittons for 2 nights before we head out on Sunday May 1. We leave at 11:30 that morning & will arrive home at 2:30 that afternoon! Hey it's only a 3 hour flight! HA!!

And that's it in a nutshell. We will plan to update along the way, so check back to see how we are doing! Wish us well as we embark on our first international adventure as a family of FOUR!!


Not all who wander are lost. said...

What an adventure for Scarlett's first overseas trip! Hope all goes well on the flight and can't wait for your first update from the road.

Not all who wander are lost. said...

This is Tracey by the way...don't know why it doesn't show my name.

Kristie (and sometimes Knute) said...

Have a GREAT time!! Does Audrey remember your last big trip?

tim said...

Looking forward to your visit.

Unknown said...

Sounds great, I want a picture of the elephant riding.

Have a slendid time and look forward to your blogs.