Monday, May 26, 2008

Away from aftershocks

we've had some friends and family concerned with all of the earthquake activity so I thought I would mention that we are not near it. We left Chengdu on Thursday the 22nd. Even though the Lohmans live 60+ miles from the epicenter we did feel 2 aftershocks in the night. One was enough to rattle the bedhead and the other only enough to make me wonder if I was imagining things swaying. We then went to Xi'an for a couple of days but left for Beijing on the 24th. The Qingchuan aftershock (6.4) on Sunday was felt in Xi'an but we were already gone. Beijing is a safe distance from it all. Thanks for all of your concern!
A note about the press coverage here- if you turn on the tv anytime day or night, you will find some sort of earthquake coverage. Mostly it's a montage of video clips of relief efforts set to music, much like what was played after Kateina. The difference I've noticed is this- at home when disaster news is covered over and over it seems people get desensitized or tired of constantly hearing about 'yesterday's news.' I to not get that feeling here. People seem genuinely concerned about their fellow countrymen. Perhaps it's because I don't understand 99.9% of what people are saying...

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