Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Sunday was our first full day in Beijing. We checked out the area by our hotel, went to Tian'enmen Square, checked out this CRAZY street market called Panjiayuan Flea Market (miles of booths with everything under the sun! So cool and worth visiting if you are in Beijing on the weekend!!), had lunch and went to Yashow Market. It's 6 stories of shopping- some negotiable some not. We found this Hello Kitty stall and decided to get Audrey some big girl panties (pack of 6). They started off asking 180rmb, the equivalent of $25+. I think I laughed b/c this is expensive back home. We went back be forth, she said she wouldn't go lower than 50, I wouldn't go higher than 20 ($3). So we walked. We heard her shouting at us, the price going lower and lower. Finally she said "ok! 20!" we stopped turned around and handed her 20. She was mad and actually told me that I wasn't allowed back in her store. That was so cool! The ultimate in bargain pricing!! I'm still laughing about it.

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