Saturday, May 17, 2008

Yangshuo, Guilin and Longsheng- short version

Hello! We are in Longsheng now and have a moment in an internet cafe, where there are about 50 teenage boys playing internet video games! It loooks like Resident Evil or something. Crazy! (A note here, for some reason, we are unable to read people's commments while on the road but look forward to reading them all when we can!)Yesterday, we arrived in Yangshuo via a boat tour on the Li River. Of course it was the only day that it rained most of the morning! So the karst rock formations were a bit obscured and we got wet, but at least the boat remained afloat, right? We really liked Yangshuo and wish we had more than 1 day there. If you get beyond the pesky folks at the docks trying to talk tourists into doing private tours, it's actually a hip little town. More on Yangshuo later. This morning we headed to Longsheng, but had to take a bus to Guilin first. We dropped our bags off at the hotel where we'll be spending the night tomorrow night (Park Hotel- more on that later), then caught a bus to Longsheng to see the fabled Dragon Backbone Rice Terraces. We spent about... 50 minutes in Guilin and can safely say "We Don't Heart Guilin!" In brief, very annoying tourist scammers and dirty. We barely made the bus to Longsheng and barely survived the bus ride (not that bad really, just lots of double passing on blind mountain curves..). We are staying in Longsheng tonight even though we wanted to stay in Ping'an (this is due to a potential scam we fell for, again, more later). We'll get up bright and early tomorrow and explore the terraces and minority people of the region. We are still hoping to go the Chengdu on Monday, but we don't know the status of the airport still. I hope we don't miss out on seeing the Lohmans, but am eternally grateful that the whole family is safe. :( and :)
I hear Audrey and Joe in the alley below the internet cafe playing- Audrey discovered 5 grade school aged kids playing ball, so she is running around with them having a grand time. It's fun to see how uninhibited she (and all kids are I suppose) is when hanging out with folks she can't understand verbally. Pretty neat.
Just wanted you all to know we are still well and kicking. No tummy virus, EV-71 or otherwise. Just enjoying ourselves immensely and trying to soak it all in! We can probably connect again tomorrow night in our hotel in Guilin, so more then!

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