Thursday, May 15, 2008

HOMA- Happy Birthday to Me!

the Hotel Of Modern Art outside of Guilin. We stayed there last night and again tonight. I done think we have ever had such amazing service in a hotel! There are 2 hotels on the grounds and we were booked at the less expensive one because I am cheap.;) We got here and they immediately changed us to the nicer hotel. The room is amazing and perfect. The hotels are part of a 150 acre sculpture garden that we have been exploring on foot and bike the past 2 days. All of this is part of Yuzi Paradise, a 1500 acre place owned by a Taiwanese businessman. There's even a playground that we have visited twice. The other cool part- there are resident artists living and working here who are chosen to create the artwork on display, as well as an artist studio where you can go and create your own masterpiece. And we did! The 3 of us painted our own little bear sculpture that we will hopefully be bringing home in one piece. This all has been right up my alley, so Happy Birthday to Me! Plus I get to spend it with my 2 favorite people! ;) And then there's Gery, the world's best VIP concierge. (somehow we became VIPs here, which means we are considering never leaving!) from the moment we walked in the door, Gery had been amazing! He has driven us around in his golf cart, informed us that everything here is "as you wish," helped us in the artist studio, been at the bottom of the stairs to say hello almost every time we come down, arranged my birthday massage (thanks J) and when he found out it was my birthday he drove into town and bought us all gifts!!! I got a woven bag, Joe postcards and Audrey markers. He even came over to the restaurant where we ate dinner tonight and gave us a ride back. So I'm sorry if we decide to stay but I'm sure you all would understand. The entire staff has been very accommodating but Gery takes real pride in his job and it shows. There is so much more to say about HOMA, but it will have to wait for pictures.


Nikaia & Karl said...

So wonderful and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Irene. We are glad that they are treating you as you should be treated on your special day. I love reading all your stories. 8' blond baby brought tears to my eyes. So perfect. Have a great day on your birthday (which was probably yesterday for you now) but still today in the states. Cheers. : )

tim said...

Happy birthday, indeed. This place sounds great.