Friday, May 16, 2008

Rules of the Road?

Everything we've either learned or taught Audrey about the Rules of the Road is out the window! For instance, the street is for cars and the sidewalk is for people- Eh! Try again! Motorcycles travel freely on the walks as do any cars that will fit. In Guilin/ Yangshuo, cars regularly pass each other in a one lane street as if there were 3 lanes with no regard to the yellow line. It might as well not even exist! For instance, our cab driver was passing a tour bus which was passing a small truck and forcing the oncoming traffic off into the ditch! And I shouldn't even write this, for fear of giving Norma a heart attack- but Audrey isn't strapped into a carseat! Yikes. And i haven't seen one seatbelt being worn. And the only 2 helmets I've seen on the tjousands have been on Tim & Laurel's heads. To make it better, everyone is laying on their horns in an attempt to claim right of way I suppose. On the way to the hotel from the Guilin airport yesterday our cabbie was displaying these amazing driving skills and honking his horn wildly, and Audrey laughed and said, "silly! That's not how you drive. That's how you hit other cars!" thankfully he didn't speak English.


KAT said...

Wow! Sounds like an amazing trip thus far! I enjoy reading the day to day activities of the Chinese tourists!

Happy Birthday (a day late)!


Unknown said...

Funny! Sounds very similar to Ryan's stories about commuting in India. Weird thing is I think they have fewer fatal traffic accidents than we have in the States. Audrey seems to be having quite an adventure. She will be very bored (and spoiled it sounds like!) when you get home.